
2024/5/7 • Posted by Dr. Lisa Moreno, Pediatrician and Medical Director at Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness
過敏是最常見的慢性疾病之一。過敏是免疫系統對過敏原發生反應引起的。當過敏患者接觸過敏原時,就會出現過敏症狀。過敏原的接觸途徑包括攝入、觸摸或吸入。 免疫系統嘗試保護您的身體並抵抗過敏原。這可能引起瘙癢和皮疹等症狀。如發生嚴重過敏,可能導致患者呼吸困難、暈厥甚至死亡。
2024/5/6 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness, In The Community
On this National Nurses Week May 6-12, Fidelis Care celebrates the invaluable contributions of nurses everywhere. This week gives us the opportunity to recognize the dedication, compassion, and commitment that nurses bring to our healthcare system. In honor of these contributions, Fidelis Care showcases the outstanding efforts that 10 of our own nurses bring to their profession every day: Danielle Albring, RN, Long Term Nurse Care Specialist Nursing allows me to make a positive impact on people’s lives, and I find that very rewarding. Nursing keeps me going through adversity. At the end of my day, it is not about what I
2024/5/6 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness, Mental Health
2024/5/1 • Posted by Dr. Patrice Reives-Bright, Fidelis Care Senior Medical Director of Behavioral Health, and Dr. Celeste Johns, HARP Medical Director • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness, Mental Health
五月是心理健康宣傳月。心理、身體和社交健康緊密相連。它們互相影響。我們稱之為「身心連接」。沒有心理健康就沒有整體健康。 許多研究表明,身體健康狀況不佳會導致心理健康問題。其中可能包括抑鬱症、積極性低下和焦慮症。心理健康狀況不佳也會導致身體問題。其中可能包括慢性疼痛、高血壓和心臟病。
2024/4/30 • Posted by Dr. Camille Pearte, Cardiologist and Senior Medical Director • in Health and Wellness, Heart Health
五月是「全國中風宣傳月」。這是提高人們對中風症狀和中風治療相關認識的好時機。在美國,中風是第五大死亡原因。中風也是導致殘障的主要原因之一。 什麼是中風? 當一部分大腦的供血中斷或減少時,就會發生中風。這時,腦組織無法獲得必要的氧氣和營養。如果大腦缺氧,哪怕只有幾分鐘,都可能造成一部分大腦的死亡或受損。
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