
Today • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness, Women's Health
通常排列於子宮(胞宮)內部的細胞在子宮外生長的疾病就是子宮內膜異位症。該疾病會引起炎症、疤痕組織和疼痛,尤其是在月經期間。子宮內膜異位症還可能導致不孕等生殖健康問題。 哪些人會患上子宮內膜異位症? 只要子宮活躍,任何女性都可能患上子宮內膜異位症。大約有10%的女性患有這種子宮內膜異位症,多發於30多歲和40多歲。
Yesterday • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness
結直腸癌是一種結腸或直腸細胞生長失控的疾病。在美國,結直腸癌位列主要癌症死亡原因之一。美國癌症協會預測,2025年美國將有大約150,000例結直腸癌新增病例,死亡人數多達53,000人。 每年大約有3,000名紐約人死於該病。 50歲以上人群的患病風險更高。 篩查很重要,可以挽救生命。及早發現,治療成功的幾率更高。請向您的家庭或個人醫生(PCP)諮詢關於結腸直腸癌和篩檢的事宜。
Wednesday • Posted by Cornell Cooperative Extension Steuben County • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Health and Wellness
  "Food Connects Us" is the theme for National Nutrition Month 2025, highlighting the important role that food plays in uniting individuals, families, and communities. It links us to our cultures, families and friends. It creates shared experiences and deepens our connections. Sharing a meal is more than just eating, it is an opportunity to learn about its preparation, who made it, and where the ingredients come from. Our relationship with food is shaped by health, traditions, memories, seasons, and accessibility. While these factors influence our choices, the food we eat, in turn, has an impact on our overall health and
Monday • Posted by Alexander Ford, DO, RD, Community Care Physicians Family Medicine Physician • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  As a family physician and registered dietitian, during Black History Month, I reflect on the various fearless trailblazers in healthcare and other sectors who broke barriers and overcame extraordinary obstacles to make my life possible. Access to healthcare and poor health literacy are still issues plaguing the Black community. Generally, patients desire a patient-doctor relationship where they feel comfortable sharing their personal and medical history. From my experiences, my Black patients prefer Black physicians; however, there is a severe shortage of Black physicians, which is another barrier to seeking care for many Black Americans. Social determinants of health (SDoH) such as education,
Sunday • Posted by By Edward J. Lorch, Solvere Health CEO • in Dental Health
The eyes may be windows to the soul, but the mouth is the gateway to the entire body. That’s because dental healthcare can be a gauge of overall health. Despite decades of research about the importance of dental health and the repercussions of neglecting teeth and gums, many Americans still lack access to the dental care they need. Only 63% of American adults saw a dentist in the last year. More alarming? Over 25% of young and middle-aged adults have untreated cavities, and almost half of adults over the age of 30 have gum disease. While these seem like dental health issues on the surface, they
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