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Блог Fidelis Care

Yesterday • Posted by Xiaofang (Michelle) Z., Fidelis Care Retention Manager • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Communities around the world celebrate Lunar New Year as a time of renewal, reflection, and togetherness. Lunar New Year is observed by millions across diverse cultures, including Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mongolian, Malaysian, Singaporean, Thai, Filipino, and others. This vibrant holiday marks the beginning of a new lunar calendar cycle and is rich with traditions that emphasize family, prosperity, and good health. Fidelis Care celebrates the rich cultural heritage that shapes this holiday and recognizes its universal themes of wellness and connection. Fidelis Care Retention Manager Xiaofang (Michelle) Zhu shares the story of how she and her family are celebrating this Lunar
Friday • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Social Determinants of Health
Every third Monday of January, we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day to honor a monumental leader who fought for justice and equality. Dr. King strived to make sure everyone, no matter their background, has the same opportunities in life. This included having access to quality healthcare, which he believed was one of the most important ways to achieve fairness. Dr. King once said, “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman.” He believed that everyone deserves a chance to be healthy, but he saw how many people, especially in poor or minority
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness
Winter is in full swing, and the temperatures have been dropping. Here are a few tips for safety at home, on the road, and when you go outside. At home: Keep flammable items, like bedding, clothing, and curtains, away from heat sources. If you use a fireplace or similar way to keep warm, make sure things that can burn easily are at least three feet away. Space heaters can be dangerous, so use them very carefully, or not at all. Install and test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It's also a good time to replace the batteries. • Keep
02.01.2025 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Diabetes, Health and Wellness, Heart Health
Ожирение связано с рядом заболеваний, включая сахарный диабет II типа, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, апноэ во сне и некоторые виды рака. Снижение веса может улучшить артериальное давление, снизить уровень холестерина и сахара в крови. Даже небольшое снижение веса может сыграть решающую роль. Например, снижение веса на 5 % для человека весом 200 фунтов составляет 10 фунтов. Такое изменение может снизить риск возникновения некоторых хронических заболеваний. Примерно две третьих взрослых жителей Нью-Йорка имеют избыточный вес или страдают ожирением. Более 49 % взрослых в США пытаются похудеть.
26.12.2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness, Women's Health
Январь — месяц осведомленности о здоровье шейки матки. Профилактика и скрининг — важнейшие способы борьбы с раком шейки матки. Если вы не еще проходили обследование или не делали вакцинацию, доктор Джермель Хокинс, старший медицинский директор Fidelis Care, настоятельно рекомендует вам записаться на прием к поставщику медицинских услуг. Проведенное вовремя обследование и вакцинация могут помочь предотвратить развитие рака шейки матки на поздних стадиях.
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