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The Fidelis Care Blog

3/11/2025 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Health and Wellness
National Poison Prevention Week is March 16-22, 2025. The annual observance reminds us to keep children safe from poisons. Kids are curious and like to explore their home. Each year, thousands of kids go to the emergency room after ingesting harmful substances, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These range from medications to cleaning products to batteries. Parents can take some easy steps to avoid accidental poisonings around the home.
2/26/2025 • Posted by Cornell Cooperative Extension Steuben County • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Health and Wellness
"Food Connects Us" is the theme for National Nutrition Month 2025, highlighting the important role that food plays in uniting individuals, families, and communities. It links us to our cultures, families and friends. It creates shared experiences and deepens our connections. Sharing a meal is more than just eating, it is an opportunity to learn about its preparation, who made it, and where the ingredients come from. Our relationship with food is shaped by health, traditions, memories, seasons, and accessibility. While these factors influence our choices, the food we eat, in turn, has an impact on our overall health and well-being.
2/19/2025 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Dental Health, Health and Wellness
February is National Children's Dental Health Month. Taking care of teeth early helps children avoid problems like cavities and gum disease. The Child Health Plus (CHPlus) program from Fidelis Care provides dental care for kids, so they can have strong, healthy smiles. With CHPlus from Fidelis Care, children can get essential dental care at little or no cost to families based on income and household size.
2/3/2025 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Dental Health, Health and Wellness
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This is a great time to raise awareness about the benefits of good oral health for young people. Taking care of teeth can help prevent cavities and improve overall health outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that cavities are one of the most common diseases during childhood and can cause other health issues.
10/30/2024 • Posted by Christine Goodwin, RN, Fidelis Care Senior Care Manager • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Women's Health
November is Prematurity Awareness Month, a time to highlight preterm birth and the health issues it poses for infants and mothers. What defines prematurity? A term pregnancy usually lasts for 40 weeks. A premature baby is an infant that is born before 37 weeks gestation. A 2024 March of Dimes report shows that one in 10 babies are born premature every year. Often, people do not understand that premature babies are not just smaller in size, they can have many issues that range from immature lungs to developmental delays.
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