
2024/3/25 • Posted by Andrea Hurley-Lynch, LMSW, Fidelis Care HARP Clinical Director • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, In The Community
當我在這個女性歷史月反思我的人生旅程時,我注意到幾位影響了我職業道路的女性。 我很幸運有一位支持我的母親、兩位祖母和阿姨,她們都以工作和照顧家人為榮。
2024/3/18 • Posted by Rosanna Rojas, Fidelis Care Community Relations Manager • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, In The Community
韌性定義了我的生活。 多年來,我從傑出女性身上汲取靈感,她們為我和無數其他人樹立了這種特質的榜樣。
2024/3/11 • Posted by Alysha M. Metty, MS, OTR/L, Fidelis Care Utilization Review Clinician • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, In The Community
It’s amazing the influence one generation can have on the next. When I look in the mirror, I see my mother’s eyes. I have my grandmother’s creativity and love for music. Over and over, physical traits are passed from generation to generation, along with interests, talents, personality, and character traits. One thing it shows clearly - we influence others more than we think we do. And this doesn’t just happen in families. Each person has their own sphere of influence regardless of their family ties. As I look at my life, I can clearly see that I have been influenced
2024/3/4 • Posted by Letha Daniel, MD, Fidelis Care Medical Director • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, In The Community
March is Women’s History Month, a time to recall the many accomplishments women have made in our society. As I reflect upon the observance, I am drawn to my own path to becoming a doctor. My earliest memories are filled with emergency room visits and hospitalizations related to my childhood asthma and food allergies – which often led to life-threatening reactions. The scene was always the same. It was dark outside, I would be hurried into the car, and taken to a local hospital on Staten Island. I have vivid flashbacks of opening my eyes to doctors, nurses, and medical staff
2024/2/22 • Posted by Arva Rice, President & CEO, New York Urban League • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, In The Community
非裔美國人的醫療保健差異包括醫療保健覆蓋範圍、該部門的就業情況和健康狀況。 與白人相比,非裔美國人更有可能患有糖尿病、高血壓、心臟病或氣喘等慢性病,且預期壽命更短。
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