
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness, Men's Health, Mental Health, Women's Health
10月是家庭暴力意識月,我們將借此機會揭示影響所有社區人民的多種虐待類型。為慶祝本月活動,飛達利斯保健與紐約市的We All Really Matter和特洛伊的Unity House的合作夥伴聯絡,討論我們如何團結一致,提高認識,推廣預防和干預資源。 閱讀下面對We All Really Matter創辦人兼首席執行官Stephanie McGraw和Unity House家庭暴力和臨床服務主任Tabitha Dunn的採訪。
2024/9/13 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness
任何人都可能滑倒和跌倒。隨著人的年齡增長,跌倒產生的後果更嚴重。對於長者來說,跌倒是導致住院和嚴重受傷的主要原因之一。為了慶祝預防跌倒宣傳週,飛達利斯保健將分享有關預防跌倒的資訊。 大多數跌倒均由以下一種或多種風險因素造成: • 下半身虛弱無力 • 維生素D不足 • 行走或平衡困難 • 聽力和/或視力問題 • 腳疼或鞋子不合腳 • 家中存在風險或危險 • 服用多種藥物
2024/6/17 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness
2024/6/11 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness
2024/6/5 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness, In The Community, Mental Health
In observance of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, Fidelis Care visited partner New Choices Recovery Center, an alcohol and drug treatment facility in Schenectady, and talked with Clinical Coordinator Meagan Rivers, LMHC, NCC, CCTP. Fidelis Care: What is your general advice for people regarding their mental health? Meagan Rivers: “I think people taking care of their mental health is one of the most important things anybody can do. It affects everything from how you sleep to how you interact with the rest of the world. I’m sure everybody’s heard the term self-care. That really is important, and self-care looks different for
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