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If you are one of the Fidelis Care members who recently received a letter indicating a possible interruption in prescription coverage, please review the below information.
Starting September 1, 2022, Medicaid members must use a prescriber that is enrolled with Medicaid Fee for Service. If your provider is not enrolled with Medicaid Fee for Service, the prescriptions and supplies that he/she prescribed will not be covered. Members with providers not enrolled with Medicaid Fee for Service received a letter from Fidelis Care.
If you received the letter, you can look up your providers to see if they are enrolled at: https://health.data.ny.gov/Health/Medicaid-Enrolled-Provider-Lookup/ru78-uxr9.
If you are a member who received a letter and your current doctor is not enrolled in Medicaid Fee for Service, you may contact them, and the provider may be able to enroll in Medicaid Fee for Service.
If you or your doctor have concerns, contact Member Services at 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547), TTY 711.
Who we are, and why we do what we do.
Fidelis Care is always seeking talented, motivated individuals who want to make a difference in their communities.