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New! Claim Status Letters Now Available on the Provider Portal
3/13/2025 • Posted by Provider Relations

You asked and we listened!  Fidelis Care is pleased to announce that claim status letters are now available on Provider Access Online, Fidelis Care’s Provider Portal, in the File Download section. 


The letters available on Fidelis Care’s Provider Portal now include:

  • Closed Claim Letter
  • Claim Appeal Letter


To access claim letters:

  1. Use the menu on the left of the Provider Access Online home page to navigate to the File Downloads section.
  2. On the File Download page can search by File Type and File Created date range.
  3. Click on the letter you would like to download.


To check the status of a claim:

  1. Use the menu on the left of the Provider Access Online home page to navigate to the Claims screen.
  2. On the Claims page can search by Subscriber ID, Claim ID, Medicaid ID, Medicare ID, Patient Account Number, or Provider NPI. Include a date range for the search.
  3. Click on the Claim ID you would like to view.


To submit a claim dispute:

  1. Log in to the Fidelis Care Provider Portal with your User ID and Password.

Please note: Users will need Claims Information Viewer or Account Administration user roles to access claims information.

  1. Select Claims located in the menu on the left side of the page under External Links.
  2. On the Claims page, you can search by Subscriber ID, Claim ID, Medicaid ID, Medicare ID, Patient Account Number, or Provider NPI. Include a date range for the search.
  3. Click on the Claim ID you would like to dispute.
  4. Under the Payment Heading, Click Dispute Claim.
  5. Choose the Dispute Type you would like to submit. Choices include COB Resubmissions, Appeal, or Reconsideration.
  6. Choose the COB Resubmission/Appeal/Reconsideration Type from the drop-down menu, provide a brief explanation of the dispute in the Notes/Brief Explanation Field, and upload any supporting documentation in the Upload Documents Field. Then, click Submit Request.
  7. Once your dispute has been submitted you will receive a message at the top of the screen, showing your dispute has been successfully submitted.
    1. While the dispute is in review, the status will show as Open or Pending.
  8. A number will generate under Submitted for Appeal. Check for status updates in the Claims Info section.
    1. Please do not submit more than one dispute per claim at any one time..
    2. Your dispute status will show as Resolved once an appeal decision has been made under the Claim Info heading.  Resolved means the original claim decision has been upheld or the claim will be adjusted.


For more detailed instructions please use the following resource guides:

Provider Access Online resources, including a new video tutorial

Provider Portal User Guide - Claims Appeals QRG


For additional questions, or if we can be of assistance in any way, please contact your Fidelis Care Provider Engagement Account Manager. To find your designated representative, please visit Contact Your Designated Provider Relations Specialist.



Provider Access Online

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Social Care Network

Starting January 1, 2025, members in our Medicaid Managed Care, HealthierLife (HARP), Fidelis Care at Home, and Wellcare Fidelis Dual Plus plans will have access to a network of service providers to identify and address needs such as housing, food, transportation, and more.

Join Our Network

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Required Cultural Competency Training

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Authorization Resources

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Electronic Transactions

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