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What is a Life Qualifying Event?

Missing open enrollment doesn’t have to mean missing out on health coverage.

Certain changes in your life can qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period, meaning you can get or change health coverage outside of open enrollment.

These life changes are called “qualifying life events” are often referred to as QLE.


Here are examples of qualifying life events that may make you eligible for health coverage:




Job Changes

Employment, QLE #1

QLEs relating to employment include:

  • Starting a new job
  • Losing a job
  • Change or loss of health insurance through your job


Residence, QLE #2

QLEs relating to residency include:

  • Moving to a new address
  • Moving to a new state
  • Unexpected move

Family Changes

Household, QLE #3

QLEs relating to household/family include:

  • Getting married
  • Retirement
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Pregnancy or adopting a baby
  • Turning 26 and losing coverage from your parents’ health insurance


Still have questions on Qualifying Life Events?

If you’ve recently experienced a qualifying life event and have additional questions about health coverage, our Representatives are here to answer any questions.

Ways to Contact Us

  • Call 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547), or TTY: 711.
  • Visit a Fidelis Care community office
  • Complete the "Contact Us" form below to schedule a meeting.
