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Giving Back to Our Communities

Fidelis Care Presents Brady Market with $5,000 Food Insecurity Grant

In observance of National Nutrition Month, Fidelis Care presented a $5,000 grant to support Brady Market’s programs to combat food insecurity in the Syracuse region. The grant is part of $315,000 in donations by Fidelis Care to nonprofit organizations on the front lines of fighting hunger across New York State. Food insecurity impacts about one in 10 New York households.

“Nutrition is healthcare,” said Fidelis Care Sales and Marketing Director Shannon Lombardo.  “Fidelis Care is committed to promoting health and well-being in Syracuse and communities across New York State. That begins by partnering with organizations like Brady Market to help families and individuals gain access to healthy, nutritious foods.”

Brady Market in Syracuse, operated by not-for-profit Brady Social Enterprises, Inc., is a grocery store with retail and wholesale operations, deli and catering, job training, and wraparound support services. It was inspired by the 70-plus year history of Brady Faith Center’s engagement with generations of individuals and families in some of the community’s most impoverished neighborhoods.

“Brady Market is very grateful for this Fidelis Care grant,” said Brady Faith Center Director Kevin Frank. “We absolutely can’t do what we do without wonderful partners. For many who live in the community, Brady Market is the only place to get fresh fruits and vegetables. We plan to use the Fidelis Care funding to take the lead in collaborating with 20 neighborhood organizations to deliver meals for 220 families. One of the wonderful things about this program is that our partner organizations know who needs food support the most. It’s just one of the ways that we are more than a market in this community.”

Lombardo added, “We know that one meal is not going to solve a family’s food insecurity, but these grants give us an opportunity to connect people with agencies and organizations like Brady Market to help them find the resources they need for long-term solutions.”

Fidelis Care takes pride in supporting the vital work of Brady Market and the other food insecurity grant recipients across New York State because no one should suffer from hunger. Click here to see the full list of Fidelis Care food insecurity grant recipient organizations.

Screener Program Provides Support to Families Impacted by Social Determinants of Health


Fidelis Care’s innovative SDoH screener program was launched two years ago as a grassroots health equity initiative to address conditions in the environments where people are born, live, work, and play that affect their health, well-being, and quality of life. Social Determinants of Health can affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes – particularly among vulnerable populations and in underserved areas.

The screener enables trained Fidelis Care representatives to assess an individual’s immediate needs and challenges related to SDoH through a brief series of questions covering areas such as access to transportation, food, and secure and safe housing. More than 450,000 Fidelis Care members have participated to date.

here to learn more about the different Social Determinants of Health and find available resources.

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Understanding Strokes: Risk Factors, Signs, and Prevention
4/30/2024 • Posted by Dr. Camille Pearte, Cardiologist and Senior Medical Director in Health and Wellness, Heart Health

May is National Stroke Awareness Month. It's a time to raise awareness about the symptoms and treatment for stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. It is also a leading cause of disability.

What is a stroke?

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced. Brain tissue can’t get the oxygen and nutrients it needs. When the brain does not get oxygen for even a few minutes, part of the brain will die or become damaged.

Some people also experience what is sometimes called a “mini-stroke.” A mini-stroke actually is a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). This occurs when the blockage in the brain artery is temporary. It ends within a few minutes to 24 hours. TIAs are often considered a warning sign for a major stroke, especially if people do not get treatment.

What are the risk factors for a stroke?

Increased age, certain race and ethnicity groups (Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Native Alaskan), and genetics or family history are risk factors for stroke. Other risk factors for a stroke include:

  • High blood pressure. This is the leading cause of strokes.
  • High blood cholesterol (HBC). HBC causes plaque that clogs blood vessels.
  • Diabetes. High sugar levels in the blood causes organ damage and form plaque.
  • Obesity: Excess body fat can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and raised cholesterol levels.
  • Sickle cell disease: The abnormally shaped blood cells in this blood disorder can get stuck in blood vessels and cause a stroke.
  • Heart disease: Certain heart conditions increase the risk for stroke such as plaque in the heart arteries (atherosclerosis), irregular heart rhythms (atrial fibrillation), or enlarged heart chambers (cardiomyopathy) that increase the risk of forming blood clots that can travel to the brain.
  • Lifestyle: Behaviors such as physical inactivity, high alcohol intake, smoking, and diets high in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol have been associated with an increased risk for stroke.

What are the symptoms of a stroke, and what should you do?

Different parts of the brain control our movements, thoughts, speech, understanding of language, and breathing. Symptoms of a stroke depend on the affected part of the brain and the size of affected brain tissue. Common symptoms of a stroke include:

  • Sudden weakness, numbness, or paralysis of one side of the face or body.
  • Sudden confusion or inability to speak or understand.
  • Sudden change in vision.
  • Sudden difficulty walking or keeping balance.
  • Sudden severe headache with no obvious cause.

The key thing to remember is that every minute counts! If you notice symptoms, call 911 immediately, do not delay. The faster that needed treatment can be given, the more brain cells that can be saved and damage avoided.

Use the letters in F.A.S.T. to identify a possible stroke:

F -- Face: Can the person smile evenly or does one side of the face droop?

A -- Arms: Can the person raise both arms evenly or does one arm drift downward?

S -- Speech: Can the person speak normally, or do they sound strange or slurred?

T -- Time: If you see any of these signs, call 911 immediately.


What happens after a stroke?

The symptoms and severity of effects after a stroke depend on which part of the brain was affected, how much brain tissue was damaged, and how quickly treatment was given. Rehabilitation therapy is an important part of recovery after a stroke.

How can strokes be prevented?

The good news is that 80% of strokes can be prevented. You can take steps to prevent strokes and lower your risk.

  • Visit your primary care provider (PCP) for regular checkups. Take prescribed medications as directed. Talk to your PCP about a stroke prevention plan that is right for you.
  • Know your numbers. Go to your PCP and get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly. Your PCP will see if they are in the normal range.
  • Don’t smoke. Quit smoking or don’t start smoking. Avoid tobacco smoke.
  • Check blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, keep blood sugar levels controlled.
  • Eat healthy. Follow a diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains, and fiber. Limit alcohol intake, and eat foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars.
  • Be physically active. Adults should try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, or a combination of both.


Understanding Strokes: Risk Factors, Signs, and Prevention
4/30/2024 • Posted by Dr. Camille Pearte, Cardiologist and Senior Medical Director in Health and Wellness, Heart Health

May is National Stroke Awareness Month. It's a time to raise awareness about the symptoms and treatment for stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. It is also a leading cause of disability.

What is a stroke?

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced. Brain tissue can’t get the oxygen and nutrients it needs. When the brain does not get oxygen for even a few minutes, part of the brain will die or become damaged.

Some people also experience what is sometimes called a “mini-stroke.” A mini-stroke actually is a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA). This occurs when the blockage in the brain artery is temporary. It ends within a few minutes to 24 hours. TIAs are often considered a warning sign for a major stroke, especially if people do not get treatment.

What are the risk factors for a stroke?

Increased age, certain race and ethnicity groups (Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Native Alaskan), and genetics or family history are risk factors for stroke. Other risk factors for a stroke include:

  • High blood pressure. This is the leading cause of strokes.
  • High blood cholesterol (HBC). HBC causes plaque that clogs blood vessels.
  • Diabetes. High sugar levels in the blood causes organ damage and form plaque.
  • Obesity: Excess body fat can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and raised cholesterol levels.
  • Sickle cell disease: The abnormally shaped blood cells in this blood disorder can get stuck in blood vessels and cause a stroke.
  • Heart disease: Certain heart conditions increase the risk for stroke such as plaque in the heart arteries (atherosclerosis), irregular heart rhythms (atrial fibrillation), or enlarged heart chambers (cardiomyopathy) that increase the risk of forming blood clots that can travel to the brain.
  • Lifestyle: Behaviors such as physical inactivity, high alcohol intake, smoking, and diets high in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol have been associated with an increased risk for stroke.

What are the symptoms of a stroke, and what should you do?

Different parts of the brain control our movements, thoughts, speech, understanding of language, and breathing. Symptoms of a stroke depend on the affected part of the brain and the size of affected brain tissue. Common symptoms of a stroke include:

  • Sudden weakness, numbness, or paralysis of one side of the face or body.
  • Sudden confusion or inability to speak or understand.
  • Sudden change in vision.
  • Sudden difficulty walking or keeping balance.
  • Sudden severe headache with no obvious cause.

The key thing to remember is that every minute counts! If you notice symptoms, call 911 immediately, do not delay. The faster that needed treatment can be given, the more brain cells that can be saved and damage avoided.

Use the letters in F.A.S.T. to identify a possible stroke:

F -- Face: Can the person smile evenly or does one side of the face droop?

A -- Arms: Can the person raise both arms evenly or does one arm drift downward?

S -- Speech: Can the person speak normally, or do they sound strange or slurred?

T -- Time: If you see any of these signs, call 911 immediately.


What happens after a stroke?

The symptoms and severity of effects after a stroke depend on which part of the brain was affected, how much brain tissue was damaged, and how quickly treatment was given. Rehabilitation therapy is an important part of recovery after a stroke.

How can strokes be prevented?

The good news is that 80% of strokes can be prevented. You can take steps to prevent strokes and lower your risk.

  • Visit your primary care provider (PCP) for regular checkups. Take prescribed medications as directed. Talk to your PCP about a stroke prevention plan that is right for you.
  • Know your numbers. Go to your PCP and get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked regularly. Your PCP will see if they are in the normal range.
  • Don’t smoke. Quit smoking or don’t start smoking. Avoid tobacco smoke.
  • Check blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes, keep blood sugar levels controlled.
  • Eat healthy. Follow a diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish, nuts, whole grains, and fiber. Limit alcohol intake, and eat foods low in saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars.
  • Be physically active. Adults should try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, or a combination of both.
