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Fidelis Care Presents Brady Market with $5,000 Food Insecurity Grant

In observance of National Nutrition Month, Fidelis Care presented a $5,000 grant to support Brady Market’s programs to combat food insecurity in the Syracuse region. The grant is part of $315,000 in donations by Fidelis Care to nonprofit organizations on the front lines of fighting hunger across New York State. Food insecurity impacts about one in 10 New York households.

“Nutrition is healthcare,” said Fidelis Care Sales and Marketing Director Shannon Lombardo.  “Fidelis Care is committed to promoting health and well-being in Syracuse and communities across New York State. That begins by partnering with organizations like Brady Market to help families and individuals gain access to healthy, nutritious foods.”

Brady Market in Syracuse, operated by not-for-profit Brady Social Enterprises, Inc., is a grocery store with retail and wholesale operations, deli and catering, job training, and wraparound support services. It was inspired by the 70-plus year history of Brady Faith Center’s engagement with generations of individuals and families in some of the community’s most impoverished neighborhoods.

“Brady Market is very grateful for this Fidelis Care grant,” said Brady Faith Center Director Kevin Frank. “We absolutely can’t do what we do without wonderful partners. For many who live in the community, Brady Market is the only place to get fresh fruits and vegetables. We plan to use the Fidelis Care funding to take the lead in collaborating with 20 neighborhood organizations to deliver meals for 220 families. One of the wonderful things about this program is that our partner organizations know who needs food support the most. It’s just one of the ways that we are more than a market in this community.”

Lombardo added, “We know that one meal is not going to solve a family’s food insecurity, but these grants give us an opportunity to connect people with agencies and organizations like Brady Market to help them find the resources they need for long-term solutions.”

Fidelis Care takes pride in supporting the vital work of Brady Market and the other food insecurity grant recipients across New York State because no one should suffer from hunger. Click here to see the full list of Fidelis Care food insecurity grant recipient organizations.

Screener Program Provides Support to Families Impacted by Social Determinants of Health


Fidelis Care’s innovative SDoH screener program was launched two years ago as a grassroots health equity initiative to address conditions in the environments where people are born, live, work, and play that affect their health, well-being, and quality of life. Social Determinants of Health can affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes – particularly among vulnerable populations and in underserved areas.

The screener enables trained Fidelis Care representatives to assess an individual’s immediate needs and challenges related to SDoH through a brief series of questions covering areas such as access to transportation, food, and secure and safe housing. More than 450,000 Fidelis Care members have participated to date.

here to learn more about the different Social Determinants of Health and find available resources.

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Eating Disorders Awareness Week
2/26/2024 • Posted by Dr. Nicole Belanger-Reynolds, Fidelis Care Medical Director in Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Women's Health

This year, Eating Disorders Awareness Week takes place from February 26 to March 3. This week raises awareness and promotes understanding about eating disorders. It is a good time to offer help and provide resources for support.

Eating disorders are mental health problems that cause dangerous behaviors involving weight and food. These eating behaviors can cause serious health problems and sometimes result in death. Eating disorders can happen to anyone, but are much more common in women. Common eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.

  • Women with eating disorders outnumber men by about 6-10 to 1.
  • 9% of New Yorkers will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.
  • In the United States, there are 10,200 deaths per year as a direct result of an eating disorder. This means 1 death every 52 minutes.

Anorexia Nervosa

Individuals with anorexia nervosa have an intense fear of gaining weight. This can lead to eating too little food and exercising too much. It is a serious health problem that can increase the risk of early death. Individuals with anorexia often have a false body image, and they want to be thin despite already being underweight. A person with anorexia nervosa often looks very thin and may not act like themselves.

Behaviors may include:

  • Talking about weight or food all the time
  • Cutting food into small pieces or moving them around the plate instead of eating
  • Exercising all the time, even if hurt
  • Refusing to eat in front of others
  • Taking laxatives or diet pills

Health Risks

With anorexia nervosa, the body doesn’t get the energy that it needs from food, so it slows down and stops working normally.

Over time, anorexia nervosa can lead to:

  • Heart problems
  • Anemia
  • Thinning of the bones
  • Kidney stones or kidney failure
  • Lack of periods
  • For pregnant individuals: a higher risk for miscarriage, cesarean delivery, or having a baby with low birth weight

Signs and Symptoms

  • Dry, blotchy, or yellow skin covered with fine hair
  • Confusion, slow thinking, and/or poor memory
  • Thin, brittle hair and/or nails
  • Very sensitive to cold (wearing several layers of clothing to stay warm)
  • Loss of bone strength, muscle, and body fat
  • Feeling tired or slow
  • Sadness

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by repeatedly eating very large amounts of food (binge eating) followed by purging behaviors including:

  • Forced vomiting
  • Using laxatives, enemas, or diuretics (water pills)
  • Exercising too much

The disorder is most common in adolescent girls and young women. Individuals with bulimia nervosa may be thin, overweight, or have a normal weight. They are usually aware that their eating pattern is abnormal and may feel afraid or guilty when they binge and purge.

Health Risks

Over time, bulimia can have negative impacts on the body.

  • Tooth decay (due to stomach acid when vomiting)
  • Stomach damage from overeating
  • Ulcers and other damage to the throat from vomiting
  • Severe dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalance (certain levels in the blood get too high or too low, which can lead to heart attack or heart failure)
  • Irregular periods or not having periods, which can cause problems getting pregnant
  • Problems having bowel movements or damage to the intestines from laxative abuse

Signs and Symptoms

  • Irritated and sore throat
  • Very sensitive teeth
  • Acid reflux, constipation, and other gastrointestinal problems
  • Suddenly eating large amounts of food or buying large amounts of food that disappear right away
  • Often going to the bathroom right after meals
  • Throwing away packages of laxatives, diet pills, diuretics, or emetics (drugs that cause vomiting)

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is the most common type of eating disorder in the United States. People with binge eating disorder often feel out of control and eat a large amount of food in a short period of time (called a binge). Unlike other eating disorders, people who have binge eating disorder do not vomit or exercise too much. People with binge eating disorder are often overweight or obese.

Health Risks

Binge eating disorder can cause obesity. Obesity raises your risk for many serious health problems including:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Problems with your menstrual cycle (which may make it harder to get pregnant)
  • Certain types of cancer

Signs and Symptoms

  • Eating faster than normal
  • Eating past the point of feeling full
  • Eating large amounts of food when not hungry, often alone
  • Feeling unable to control eating
  • Snacking, in addition to eating three meals a day
  • Overeating throughout the day
  • Feeling embarrassed or depressed about eating behaviors

Get Help for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can be deadly due to various medical complications and the high risk of suicide. See your healthcare provider if you have concerns about an eating disorder.

Recovery from an eating disorder is an ongoing process. It is possible with professional treatment and support. Continued therapy, nutritional monitoring, and access to support networks is needed to prevent and treat relapses. The support of family and friends is also important during the recovery journey.

Acute eating disorder treatment can occur in various settings, depending on the severity of the individual's condition:

  • Inpatient hospital units
  • Residential treatment centers (individuals live temporarily at a medical facility)
  • Partial hospitalization programs (also called day programs)
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP)

Where do I get help?

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has funded partnerships in three areas of the state as Comprehensive Care Centers for Eating Disorders (CCCED):

Western New York - University of Rochester, School of Nursing and Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong Memorial Hospital

  • Eating Disorders Recovery Center of Western New York - The Place for Hope, Help, and Healing or
  • Call the Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-700-4673

Northeastern New York - Albany Medical Center and Four Winds Hospital of Saratoga

  • Northeast Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders (NECCCED) or
  • Call 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-888-747-4727

Metropolitan New York - New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York Psychiatric Center and Schneider Children's Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center

  • The Metropolitan Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders (Metro NYCCCED) or
  • Call 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-877-669-2332


Eating Disorders Awareness Week
2/26/2024 • Posted by Dr. Nicole Belanger-Reynolds, Fidelis Care Medical Director in Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Women's Health

This year, Eating Disorders Awareness Week takes place from February 26 to March 3. This week raises awareness and promotes understanding about eating disorders. It is a good time to offer help and provide resources for support.

Eating disorders are mental health problems that cause dangerous behaviors involving weight and food. These eating behaviors can cause serious health problems and sometimes result in death. Eating disorders can happen to anyone, but are much more common in women. Common eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder.

  • Women with eating disorders outnumber men by about 6-10 to 1.
  • 9% of New Yorkers will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.
  • In the United States, there are 10,200 deaths per year as a direct result of an eating disorder. This means 1 death every 52 minutes.

Anorexia Nervosa

Individuals with anorexia nervosa have an intense fear of gaining weight. This can lead to eating too little food and exercising too much. It is a serious health problem that can increase the risk of early death. Individuals with anorexia often have a false body image, and they want to be thin despite already being underweight. A person with anorexia nervosa often looks very thin and may not act like themselves.

Behaviors may include:

  • Talking about weight or food all the time
  • Cutting food into small pieces or moving them around the plate instead of eating
  • Exercising all the time, even if hurt
  • Refusing to eat in front of others
  • Taking laxatives or diet pills

Health Risks

With anorexia nervosa, the body doesn’t get the energy that it needs from food, so it slows down and stops working normally.

Over time, anorexia nervosa can lead to:

  • Heart problems
  • Anemia
  • Thinning of the bones
  • Kidney stones or kidney failure
  • Lack of periods
  • For pregnant individuals: a higher risk for miscarriage, cesarean delivery, or having a baby with low birth weight

Signs and Symptoms

  • Dry, blotchy, or yellow skin covered with fine hair
  • Confusion, slow thinking, and/or poor memory
  • Thin, brittle hair and/or nails
  • Very sensitive to cold (wearing several layers of clothing to stay warm)
  • Loss of bone strength, muscle, and body fat
  • Feeling tired or slow
  • Sadness

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is characterized by repeatedly eating very large amounts of food (binge eating) followed by purging behaviors including:

  • Forced vomiting
  • Using laxatives, enemas, or diuretics (water pills)
  • Exercising too much

The disorder is most common in adolescent girls and young women. Individuals with bulimia nervosa may be thin, overweight, or have a normal weight. They are usually aware that their eating pattern is abnormal and may feel afraid or guilty when they binge and purge.

Health Risks

Over time, bulimia can have negative impacts on the body.

  • Tooth decay (due to stomach acid when vomiting)
  • Stomach damage from overeating
  • Ulcers and other damage to the throat from vomiting
  • Severe dehydration
  • Electrolyte imbalance (certain levels in the blood get too high or too low, which can lead to heart attack or heart failure)
  • Irregular periods or not having periods, which can cause problems getting pregnant
  • Problems having bowel movements or damage to the intestines from laxative abuse

Signs and Symptoms

  • Irritated and sore throat
  • Very sensitive teeth
  • Acid reflux, constipation, and other gastrointestinal problems
  • Suddenly eating large amounts of food or buying large amounts of food that disappear right away
  • Often going to the bathroom right after meals
  • Throwing away packages of laxatives, diet pills, diuretics, or emetics (drugs that cause vomiting)

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is the most common type of eating disorder in the United States. People with binge eating disorder often feel out of control and eat a large amount of food in a short period of time (called a binge). Unlike other eating disorders, people who have binge eating disorder do not vomit or exercise too much. People with binge eating disorder are often overweight or obese.

Health Risks

Binge eating disorder can cause obesity. Obesity raises your risk for many serious health problems including:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Problems with your menstrual cycle (which may make it harder to get pregnant)
  • Certain types of cancer

Signs and Symptoms

  • Eating faster than normal
  • Eating past the point of feeling full
  • Eating large amounts of food when not hungry, often alone
  • Feeling unable to control eating
  • Snacking, in addition to eating three meals a day
  • Overeating throughout the day
  • Feeling embarrassed or depressed about eating behaviors

Get Help for Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can be deadly due to various medical complications and the high risk of suicide. See your healthcare provider if you have concerns about an eating disorder.

Recovery from an eating disorder is an ongoing process. It is possible with professional treatment and support. Continued therapy, nutritional monitoring, and access to support networks is needed to prevent and treat relapses. The support of family and friends is also important during the recovery journey.

Acute eating disorder treatment can occur in various settings, depending on the severity of the individual's condition:

  • Inpatient hospital units
  • Residential treatment centers (individuals live temporarily at a medical facility)
  • Partial hospitalization programs (also called day programs)
  • Intensive outpatient programs (IOP)

Where do I get help?

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) has funded partnerships in three areas of the state as Comprehensive Care Centers for Eating Disorders (CCCED):

Western New York - University of Rochester, School of Nursing and Golisano Children's Hospital at Strong Memorial Hospital

  • Eating Disorders Recovery Center of Western New York - The Place for Hope, Help, and Healing or
  • Call the Toll Free Hotline: 1-800-700-4673

Northeastern New York - Albany Medical Center and Four Winds Hospital of Saratoga

  • Northeast Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders (NECCCED) or
  • Call 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-888-747-4727

Metropolitan New York - New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York Psychiatric Center and Schneider Children's Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center

  • The Metropolitan Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders (Metro NYCCCED) or
  • Call 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline: 1-877-669-2332
