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Giving Back to Our Communities

Fidelis Care Presents Brady Market with $5,000 Food Insecurity Grant

In observance of National Nutrition Month, Fidelis Care presented a $5,000 grant to support Brady Market’s programs to combat food insecurity in the Syracuse region. The grant is part of $315,000 in donations by Fidelis Care to nonprofit organizations on the front lines of fighting hunger across New York State. Food insecurity impacts about one in 10 New York households.

“Nutrition is healthcare,” said Fidelis Care Sales and Marketing Director Shannon Lombardo.  “Fidelis Care is committed to promoting health and well-being in Syracuse and communities across New York State. That begins by partnering with organizations like Brady Market to help families and individuals gain access to healthy, nutritious foods.”

Brady Market in Syracuse, operated by not-for-profit Brady Social Enterprises, Inc., is a grocery store with retail and wholesale operations, deli and catering, job training, and wraparound support services. It was inspired by the 70-plus year history of Brady Faith Center’s engagement with generations of individuals and families in some of the community’s most impoverished neighborhoods.

“Brady Market is very grateful for this Fidelis Care grant,” said Brady Faith Center Director Kevin Frank. “We absolutely can’t do what we do without wonderful partners. For many who live in the community, Brady Market is the only place to get fresh fruits and vegetables. We plan to use the Fidelis Care funding to take the lead in collaborating with 20 neighborhood organizations to deliver meals for 220 families. One of the wonderful things about this program is that our partner organizations know who needs food support the most. It’s just one of the ways that we are more than a market in this community.”

Lombardo added, “We know that one meal is not going to solve a family’s food insecurity, but these grants give us an opportunity to connect people with agencies and organizations like Brady Market to help them find the resources they need for long-term solutions.”

Fidelis Care takes pride in supporting the vital work of Brady Market and the other food insecurity grant recipients across New York State because no one should suffer from hunger. Click here to see the full list of Fidelis Care food insecurity grant recipient organizations.

Screener Program Provides Support to Families Impacted by Social Determinants of Health


Fidelis Care’s innovative SDoH screener program was launched two years ago as a grassroots health equity initiative to address conditions in the environments where people are born, live, work, and play that affect their health, well-being, and quality of life. Social Determinants of Health can affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes – particularly among vulnerable populations and in underserved areas.

The screener enables trained Fidelis Care representatives to assess an individual’s immediate needs and challenges related to SDoH through a brief series of questions covering areas such as access to transportation, food, and secure and safe housing. More than 450,000 Fidelis Care members have participated to date.

here to learn more about the different Social Determinants of Health and find available resources.

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Living with Diabetes: Reducing Risks
11/15/2021 • Posted by By Dr. Natalie Schwartz, Fidelis Care Medical Director and endocrinologist in Diabetes, Health and Wellness

Man joggingChances are that you know someone with diabetes who has developed a long term complication of the disease, like heart disease, stroke, impaired vision or blindness, kidney failure, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, foot problems, skin infections, and/or sexual problems. 

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes yourself, you may feel that you will also develop one or more of these complications. What you may not know is that by keeping a healthy lifestyle, taking preventive actions, creating a plan with your doctor, and building diabetes self-management skills, you will have the power to prevent, or greatly reduce your risk of complications.

What can you do to reduce your risks? 

  • Schedule regular checkups with your doctor
  • Follow a healthy eating plan
  • Move more and sit less
  • Take all medications as prescribed by your doctor
  • Monitor your blood sugars, as instructed
  • Stop smoking or vaping
  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Get all recommended immunizations (for example, annual flu shot, Covid-19 vaccination, pneumonia, hepatitis B, and tetanus/diphtheria vaccines)
  • Check your feet daily, looking for abnormal redness, sores, and open wounds
  • Be open with your doctor about feelings of anxiety and/or depression

Schedule the following health checks and understand your “numbers”:

  • A1C (a blood test that measures your average blood sugar level) - every 3 to 6 months
  • Blood Pressure- every visit
  • Lipids (blood fats)- at least once a year
    • HDL (good cholesterol)
    • LDL (bad cholesterol)
    • Triglycerides (blood fats)
    • Eye checkup- every year
    • Kidney function testing- every year
    • Dental checkup- at least every year
    • Foot checkup (blood supply and nerve function) - at least every year.

Working with a diabetes educator is a great way to:

  • learn about diabetes and standards of care
  • learn about complications and how to prevent them
  • plan your treatment goals
  • understand your “numbers”
  • learn how to make smart food choices
  • learn how to exercise safely
  • learn how to monitor your blood sugars (using new technology) and how to respond to your blood sugar trends, including how to manage high and low blood sugars
  • learn how your medications work
  • learn how to manage stress
  • learn how to manage diabetes when you are sick or traveling, and when to contact your healthcare provider.

Ask to meet with a diabetes care educator:

  • When you are first diagnosed with diabetes
  •  At least once a year to assess your education, nutrition, and emotional needs
  • When you have complicating factors (such as financial or emotional stress, new health conditions, or new or progressive physical limitations), and
  •  When transitions in life and care occur (such as a new medical care team, living situation, or change in healthcare coverage that could affect treatment)

Knowledge, self-management skills, and behavior changes are the best tools to reduce your risk of developing short and long term complications of diabetes. 

For more resources about diabetes prevention and management, visit our Diabetes Resources page


Living with Diabetes: Reducing Risks
11/15/2021 • Posted by By Dr. Natalie Schwartz, Fidelis Care Medical Director and endocrinologist in Diabetes, Health and Wellness

Man joggingChances are that you know someone with diabetes who has developed a long term complication of the disease, like heart disease, stroke, impaired vision or blindness, kidney failure, numbness or tingling in the hands or feet, foot problems, skin infections, and/or sexual problems. 

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes yourself, you may feel that you will also develop one or more of these complications. What you may not know is that by keeping a healthy lifestyle, taking preventive actions, creating a plan with your doctor, and building diabetes self-management skills, you will have the power to prevent, or greatly reduce your risk of complications.

What can you do to reduce your risks? 

  • Schedule regular checkups with your doctor
  • Follow a healthy eating plan
  • Move more and sit less
  • Take all medications as prescribed by your doctor
  • Monitor your blood sugars, as instructed
  • Stop smoking or vaping
  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Get all recommended immunizations (for example, annual flu shot, Covid-19 vaccination, pneumonia, hepatitis B, and tetanus/diphtheria vaccines)
  • Check your feet daily, looking for abnormal redness, sores, and open wounds
  • Be open with your doctor about feelings of anxiety and/or depression

Schedule the following health checks and understand your “numbers”:

  • A1C (a blood test that measures your average blood sugar level) - every 3 to 6 months
  • Blood Pressure- every visit
  • Lipids (blood fats)- at least once a year
    • HDL (good cholesterol)
    • LDL (bad cholesterol)
    • Triglycerides (blood fats)
    • Eye checkup- every year
    • Kidney function testing- every year
    • Dental checkup- at least every year
    • Foot checkup (blood supply and nerve function) - at least every year.

Working with a diabetes educator is a great way to:

  • learn about diabetes and standards of care
  • learn about complications and how to prevent them
  • plan your treatment goals
  • understand your “numbers”
  • learn how to make smart food choices
  • learn how to exercise safely
  • learn how to monitor your blood sugars (using new technology) and how to respond to your blood sugar trends, including how to manage high and low blood sugars
  • learn how your medications work
  • learn how to manage stress
  • learn how to manage diabetes when you are sick or traveling, and when to contact your healthcare provider.

Ask to meet with a diabetes care educator:

  • When you are first diagnosed with diabetes
  •  At least once a year to assess your education, nutrition, and emotional needs
  • When you have complicating factors (such as financial or emotional stress, new health conditions, or new or progressive physical limitations), and
  •  When transitions in life and care occur (such as a new medical care team, living situation, or change in healthcare coverage that could affect treatment)

Knowledge, self-management skills, and behavior changes are the best tools to reduce your risk of developing short and long term complications of diabetes. 

For more resources about diabetes prevention and management, visit our Diabetes Resources page
