Health Resources for Heart Disease | Fidelis Care
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Heart Disease Resources

People of all ages need to keep their heart healthy. Eating well, exercising regularly, and seeing your health care provider can help you keep your heart healthy. Work with your healthcare provider and adopt good lifestyle habits to help lower the risk of heart disease.

Heart disease describes conditions related to plaque building up in the walls of the arteries. Other conditions include arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms), congenital heart failure, and heart valve problems.

What is your risk?

Heart disease can happen to anyone, including children. You can be born with it, and a family history of heart disease may increase your risk.

Most heart disease develops over time due to poor habits such as smoking or eating an unhealthy diet. Having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes also increases your risk of heart disease. Talk with your provider about ways to prevent or manage diabetes and control other risk factors.

What is a good resting heart rate?

A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). Remember, factors such as age, physical activity, and overall health can affect what is considered your normal resting heart rate.

Talk to your provider if you have concerns about your heart rate.

How does high blood pressure affect heart health?

The higher your blood pressure levels, the more risk you have for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Causes for high blood pressure include:

  • Diabetes
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Smoking
  • Not getting enough regular physical activity
  • Unhealthy diets, including high amounts of sodium and alcohol

Talk to your provider about how you can lower your blood pressure to help avoid heart disease and stroke.

How can you lower your risk of heart disease?
• Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, poultry, and fish; avoid having too much salt or sugar
• Maintain a healthy weight
• Exercise at least 150 minutes per week
• Keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar at a healthy level
• Don’t smoke or use any tobacco products
• Follow your doctor’s recommendations
Can heart disease be treated?
Yes. Talk to your provider about how to safely reduce the risk of heart disease. You can also talk about setting goals for a healthier heart. Your provider may also prescribe medication.
What are symptoms of a heart attack?

A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is severely reduced or blocked. Be aware of the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Cold sweat
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in the jaw, neck, arms, shoulder, or back

Call 911 if you or someone you know is having a heart attack.

What can cause Congestive Heart Failure?

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic condition that makes it harder for your heart to pump blood and meet your body's needs. The following factors may increase your risk of CHF:

  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor diet
  • Not getting enough physical activity
  • Smoking and/or using tobacco
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Stress

Talk to your provider to learn more about CHF.

What can cause heart arrhythmia?

A heart arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. Factors that may cause arrhythmia include:

  • Blood sugar levels that are too low or too high
  • Caffeine, illegal drugs, and certain medications
  • Dehydration
  • Low levels of electrolytes, such as potassium, magnesium, or calcium
  • Physical activity
  • Strong emotional stress or anxiety
  • Vomiting or coughing
  • Smoke
  • Use illegal drugs, such as cocaine or amphetamines
  • Drink alcohol more often and more than is recommended (no more than 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women)
  • Take certain antibiotics and over-the-counter allergy and cold medicines

Talk to your provider about how to prevent arrhythmias.

Here are some resources to help you prevent or manage heart disease:


Managing Blood Pressure Flyer

American Heart Association

 High Blood Pressure Resources Page (CDC)

Heart Health Articles and Videos (Healthwise)


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Prostate Cancer Awareness and Prevention
6/21/2021 • Posted by Alan J. Wieder, MD



While September has been designated as Prostate Cancer Awareness and Prevention month, it is never  too early to learn about this disease. 

Cancer of the prostate (a walnut-sized gland located just under the bladder and in front of the rectum) is the second most common cancer in men.  The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, especially after the age of 65.  African-American men, and in men with close relatives with prostate cancer have an increased chance of having prostate cancer.

Most prostate cancers grow slowly and never cause any symptoms.  Symptoms that may occur include trouble passing urine, frequent urination, blood in the urine, and pain or burning with urination.  Symptoms of advanced disease may include bone pain.  It should be noted that these symptoms may be caused by conditions other than cancer. 

If caught early, the death rate from prostate cancer is low.  Common treatments for early prostate cancer include watchful waiting (close monitoring of the cancer to see if it grows or causes symptoms before starting any treatment), surgery, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.

Now that you have some basic information about prostate cancer, are there ways to prevent prostate cancer?  Are there ways to detect early prostate cancer?  Is treating early prostate cancer always necessary?

The answer to the first question is, not really.  At this time there are no known risk factors for prostate cancer that are under our control.  We can’t control our age, race, or family history. 

In terms of early detection of prostate cancer, otherwise known as “screening”,  two tests are commonly used – a digital rectal exam (DRE) and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. 

During a DRE, your examiner places a finger into your rectum and checks for any abnormalities that may require further testing for cancer.  A limitation of this test is that it may miss many early prostate cancers.

PSA is a chemical that is normally produced by your prostate and measured with a blood test.  High levels of PSA can be due to prostate cancer.  The problem is that your PSA level may be normal even if you have prostate cancer.  Or, your PSA level may be high due to non-cancer causes, which may lead to anxiety, and unnecessary tests and treatments.

Also, even if early prostate cancer is detected, it may be slow-growing and never cause a problem.  Again, this may lead to anxiety and unnecessary tests and treatments.

The bottom line is that screening for prostate cancer remains controversial.  Some men would like to do everything possible to check for cancer, even if the tests aren’t perfect, and even if the cancer may never cause them any problems.  Others would rather not be tested since the results may not be reliable, and they may end up having tests and/or treatments that they don’t really need.

So what can you do?  You can have a discussion with your health care provider and decide whether screening for prostate cancer is right for you.  Also, contact your health care provider if you have any of the symptoms listed above.