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Children’s Dental Health    

Through our Smiles That Shine campaign, Fidelis Care wants to help ensure children of all ages have healthy and bright smiles. 




Let's Get Your Child Covered

Fidelis Care covers routine, preventive, and emergency dental care for kids under 19 through the New York State-sponsored Child Health Plus program. Premiums may be free or as low as $15 based on family income.


Good dental habits have lifelong benefits.

Here are some helpful guidelines for parents to follow:


Brushing and Flossing

Make sure your child:

  • Brushes gently all around their teeth — front and back

  • Uses fluoride toothpaste. For ages 0-3 years, an amount as large as a grain of rice should be used; for ages 3+, a pea-sized amount should be used

  • Brushes teeth and gums at least twice a day for two minutes each time (long enough to hum “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)

  • Flosses at least once a day. Flossing cleans between teeth, where a toothbrush can’t reach
Healthy Eating

Make sure your child:

  • Eats healthy foods with protein, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and D. “Teeth-friendly” foods and snacks include cheese, raw vegetables, plain yogurt, and fruit

  • Avoids sugary drinks and snacks, especially at night. Sugar can stay on the teeth overnight and cause decay
Visiting the Dentist

Make sure your child:

  • Gets regular checkups beginning with the first tooth, but no later than age 1

  • Gets extra protection such as fluoride varnish or sealant. Talk with your dentist about what's right for your child.








 PPE During Your Child’s Visit 


 Learn About Sealants 



 Oral Health and Nutrition 


 Importance of Dental Health 




Guidance for Dental Settings

Because oral health is an important part of overall health, the American Dental Association recommends keeping dental visits during the COVID-19 pandemic for routine and ongoing care.  When you call for an appointment, ask what safety measures are in place.  Dental offices must follow State guidance to remain open.  You may be asked if your child has any COVID-19 symptoms (such as fever or coughing), and your child may need to wear a face mask before and after the dental exam.

Find a Doctor

Use Fidelis Care's "Find a Doctor" tool to search for a dentist near you.