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Falls Prevention Awareness Week
9/13/2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness

Slips and falls can happen to anyone. As people get older, falls can have much more serious consequences. For older adults, falls are one of the leading causes of hospital stays and serious injuries. In recognition of Falls Prevention Awareness Week, Fidelis Care is sharing information about fall prevention.

Most falls are caused by one or more of these risk factors:

  • Lower body weakness 
  • Too little vitamin D 
  • Trouble with walking and balance
  • Hearing and/or vision problems
  • Foot pain or poor footwear
  • Home hazards or dangers 
  • Taking multiple medications

Here are some ways to reduce the risk of falls:

1) Clear all pathways.

Inside the home, remove clutter from hallways and rooms to help reduce the risk of tripping. If you need to walk over rugs, fix them to the floor with backing. Outside the home, make sure walkways are cleared of snow and ice in the winter.

2) Install good lighting.

Proper lighting is key, especially if you live with sight problems. If possible, put lighting on a timer to automatically turn on at a certain point in the evening.

3) Wear clothes and shoes that fit well.

Clothing shouldn’t drag on the floor or make it hard to walk. Your shoes should fit well and properly support your feet.

4) Manage your medications.

Some people who take more than one medication run the risk of falling if they sit up or stand too quickly. To help prevent dizziness or fainting, remember to rise slowly from a sitting to standing position to help your blood pressure adjust. Talk to your provider about how your medications might impact your risk of falling.

5) Use medical equipment properly.

Many older adults need durable medical equipment, such as canes, walkers, or wheelchairs to help them move around at home.




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