
Black History Month: Health and Wellness
2025/2/17 • Posted by Jeffrey P., Fidelis Care in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Black History Month 2025

February marks Black History Month. Historically, African Americans have been tremendous contributors to our country and achieved great strides in promoting diversity and inclusivity, despite facing many barriers.  I am very proud to be a part of the community and honored that there is a month dedicated to my heritage and our contributions. 

Many African Americans have faced great disparities in healthcare, leading to higher rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and other conditions.  As an African American who has worked at Fidelis Care for 16 years, it’s my duty to serve the community in providing access to the best healthcare services to enrich lives.  Wellness and health should not be ignored or taken for granted.  Access to quality, affordable healthcare allows us to regularly monitor our health and take action when needed. It’s my responsibility to promote health and wellness, especially for people who have been historically marginalized. 

Beyond Black History Month, my role at Fidelis Care allows me to ensure that members of all backgrounds properly receive services. Interruption of service can add to the stress of an illness or health issue. I am proud to be on the front line to help positively impact the lives of our members. Everyone has a right to a healthy life, so I view it as my responsibility to make sure that each client is aware of their coverage and given the best healthcare possible. 

During Black History Month, I encourage everyone to reflect upon the positive impact that African Americans have made on all communities, especially in the healthcare industry.  As a member of the Fidelis Care organization, I am proud to represent and celebrate Black History Month and to share knowledge with my peers from different backgrounds.