
2024/8/26 • Posted by Dr. Thomas Raskauskas, Fidelis Care Senior Medical Director • in Health and Wellness, Women's Health
什麼是卵巢癌? 卵巢癌是卵巢細胞的異常繁殖。可以擴散到全身。它是最致命的婦科癌症。卵巢癌有不同的類型。最常見的卵巢癌類型是卵巢表面細胞的異常生長,稱為上皮性卵巢癌。 卵巢癌有多普遍呢? 卵巢癌是美國第二大常見婦科癌症。 據估計,2024年,將有19,680例卵巢癌新病例,12,740例卵巢癌致死病例。
2024/8/7 • Posted by Fidelis Care
紐約州長島市(2024 年8 月7 日)Fidelis Care 是一項全州範圍的健康計劃,在紐約州擁有超過200 萬會員,是Centene Corporation 的一家公司,該計劃已開放其第二個年度孕產婦健康補助計畫的申請流程。鼓勵紐約州各地解決孕產婦健康差異的醫療保健提供者和社區組織,特別是在服務不足的社區,申請補助。
2024/8/7 • Posted by Fidelis Care
Fidelis Care 蔬菜外送計劃在 6 月於門羅縣布羅克波特地區退伍軍人俱樂部舉行的活動中贈送了 150 袋新鮮水果和蔬菜。 帶走的蔬菜 解決了紐約州社區的糧食不安全和營養問題。
2024/8/6 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Health and Wellness, Immunizations, Men's Health, Women's Health
八月是「全國免疫宣傳月」。該活動對所有年齡段的人群來說,是一次瞭解接種疫苗重要性的機會。 疫苗有助於預防重症。還能幫助減少疾病的傳播。請按時接種最新疫苗,保護自己和身邊人的身體健康。請向您的家庭或個人醫生(PCP)諮詢有關接種合適疫苗的事宜。
National Health Center Week takes place from August 4-10, 2024. This weeklong event highlights the important role that Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) play in improving the health and well-being of underserved communities. FQHCs are community-based clinics that offer primary care services in medically underserved areas. FQHCs address critical health disparities, promote preventive care, and remove barriers to affordable healthcare services. Fidelis Care's partnerships with FQHCs are essential to achieving our mission. We are grateful for the many contributions of FQHCs and the role they play in achieving equitable, quality healthcare for all. Throughout the year, we collaborate with these clinics to
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