• Posted by HELP USA Senior Vice President of Development and Communications Samantha Conlan
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Health and Wellness,
Mental Health
精神疾病宣傳週是2024年10月6日至12日,10月10日是世界精神衛生日。在紀念活動中,HELP USA發展與通訊高級副總裁Samantha Conlan分享了她的組織如何在以前無家可歸的成年人中建立連結的帖子。HELP USA是2024年接受飛達利斯保健行為健康計劃捐款的組織之一。
• Posted by Fidelis Care
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Health and Wellness,
Health Insurance Basics
1. 健康素養:知道如何獲得、理解和使用資訊,以便為自身做出正確的健康選擇。
2. 醫療保健素養:瞭解醫療保健系統是如何運作的,包括瞭解保險、醫療術語和治療方案。
• Posted by Fidelis Care
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Health and Wellness,
Women's Health
十月是乳腺癌宣傳月 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)。乳腺癌現已成為紐約州女性最常見的癌症之一。紐約每年有16,000多名女性確診乳腺癌,大約2,500名女性因該疾病去世。
乳房X射線檢查是早期發現乳腺癌的最佳方法,在早期,嚴重程度還不足以覺察或還沒有出現症狀,這時更容易治療。40 歲至 74 歲的女性應每一年或兩年接受一次該檢查。諮詢您的 PCP 您應何時接受乳房 X 光檢查。
Funding will help expand emotional well-being resources, educational workshops, and training programs for community-based organizations that foster communities of care statewide
[September 20, 2024, NEW YORK CITY] — Fidelis Care, a leading health insurer providing quality, affordable coverage to New Yorkers, and the Centene Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Centene Corporation, announced today a $1.1 million grant to The Jed Foundation (JED), a national nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for teens and young adults.
With this grant, JED will expand its current services, providing at least five youth-serving community-based organizations (CBOs) with consultation or strategic planning services, including expert