
2024/9/20 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness, In The Community, Social Determinants of Health
 Funding will help expand emotional well-being resources, educational workshops, and training programs for community-based organizations that foster communities of care statewide    [September 20, 2024, NEW YORK CITY] —  Fidelis Care, a leading health insurer providing quality, affordable coverage to New Yorkers, and the Centene Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Centene Corporation, announced today a $1.1 million grant to The Jed Foundation (JED), a national nonprofit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for teens and young adults. With this grant, JED will expand its current services, providing at least five youth-serving community-based organizations (CBOs) with consultation or strategic planning services, including expert
2024/7/13 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in In The Community
基本計劃現在允許更多的紐約人獲得高品質、負擔得起的健康保險。收入達到聯邦貧窮線(即個人年收入 37,650 美元)250% 的紐約人現在可能有資格獲得基本計畫承保。
2024/1/10 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Social Determinants of Health
紐約長島市[2024年1月10日] – 飛達利斯保健是一個在全州營運的健康計劃,在紐約州擁有逾250萬名會員,是Centene公司的全資子公司。飛達利斯保健已經宣佈向致力於在全州範圍內解決食品安全問題並推動緩解饑餓的20個組織提供$315,000捐款。食品安全問題影響著紐約十分之一的家庭。
2023/8/22 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Social Determinants of Health
2023/8/7 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Social Determinants of Health
自計劃啟動以來,當地社區的 服務和資源觸及逾75,000名會員
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