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Bienvenidos, Corredores!

Fidelis Care atiende a más de 1,7 millones de niños y adultos de todas las edades, lo que nos convierte en uno de los planes de seguro médico más grandes del estado de Nueva York. Nos fundamos con la creencia de que todos los neoyorquinos deberían tener acceso a un seguro de salud asequible y de calidad, y nuestra misión de ayudar a los demás informa todo lo que hacemos. 

Últimas Noticias

SADC Non-Emergent Medical Transportation Changes Effective January 1, 2025
11/6/2024 • Posted by Provider Relations in Provider News

Effective January 1, 2025, Social Adult Day Care (SADC) transportation will remain a covered benefit under MLTC Plans and SADCs will no longer have the option of their transportation being carved out to fee-for-service. All SADCs will be responsible for managing their own transportation. SADC Programs can opt to use their own vehicles or contract directly with transportation vendors to secure transportation of SADC members to SADC programs.

Before January 1, 2025, SADCs must transition any members whose trips to and from the SADC are arranged through their contracted MLTCP, MAP plan or through MAS to having their trips arranged and paid for by the SADC they are attending.

SADCs that do not currently provide transportation must initiate one of the following:

  • Obtain their own vehicles in order to provide transportation of their members to/from their SADC program; or
  • Contract with a transportation provider for provision of transportation services for their members to/from their SADC program. SADC programs can request a geographic specific list of transportation providers by contacting medtrans@health.ny.gov with the subject line: SADC list of transportation providers.

Additional information is  available on the Department of Health MLTC Webpage.

If you have any questions, please contact your Fidelis Care Provider Engagement Account Manager. To find your designated representative, please visit Contact Your Designated Provider Relations Specialist.

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