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Fidelis Care обслуживает более 1,7 миллиона детей и взрослых всех возрастов, что делает нас одним из крупнейших планов медицинского страхования в штате Нью-Йорк. Мы были основаны на убеждении, что все жители Нью-Йорка должны иметь доступ к качественному и доступному медицинскому страхованию, и наша миссия помогать другим лежит в основе всего, что мы делаем. 

Последние новости

27.10.2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Broker, Corporate News, In The Community
Недавний опрос, проведенный Центрами по контролю и профилактике заболеваний (CDC), показал, что примерно 44% респондентов сообщили о том, что они откладывают или не получают лечение по разным причинам, включая опасения и проблемы, связанные с COVID-19.
20.10.2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Corporate News, Health and Wellness
 If you or a family member is struggling with ADHD symptoms, you are not alone. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children - and many adults.  There are many treatment options that can help reduce symptoms and improve functioning. Treatment options can include lifestyle modifications, medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of these. If you have questions about which treatment is right for you or your child, follow up with your doctor. If you don’t have a doctor or a psychiatric provider, you can use our find a doctor tool to find a network provider in
22.09.2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Corporate News, Health and Wellness, In The Community, Member News
Fidelis Care and the New York Knicks are hosting a virtual 5K race to raise money for Covenant House’s COVID-19 Relief Effort. Covenant House provides services to youth experiencing homelessness in New York City. Funds will support programs to deliver services in a virtual, safe, and socially distanced way. Fidelis Care encourages Members to join the virtual 5K. It is free and easy. Here is how the virtual 5K works: Sign-up for the fundraiser at knicks.benefitgames.com/join5k Share the page and ask people to donate — use #NYVIRTUAL5K on social media Run 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) — on a treadmill, or outdoors
09.09.2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Children's Health, Corporate News, Health and Wellness
With the new school year about to start, parents can help their children stay healthy and strong. In a school year in which children will be learning in person, remotely, or through a blended model because of COVID-19, here are some important topics to keep in mind: 1. Annual checkup: During an annual checkup, a pediatrician can help detect health problems early, when they are easiest to treat. Even during the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s important for your child to keep having regular checkups, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Now is a good time to call your child’s
26.08.2020 • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Corporate News, In The Community
Футбольный клуб «Нью-Йорк Сити» (NYCFC) и Fidelis Care запустили серию молодежных футбольных фестивалей 2020 года в рамках возобновления своего партнерства. Комитеты фестиваля используют силу футбола для пропаганды здорового образа жизни, объединения сообществ и продвижения гендерного равенства.
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