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Monday • Posted by Fidelis Care
  February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This is a great time to raise awareness about the benefits of good oral health for young people. Taking care of teeth can help prevent cavities and improve overall health outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that cavities are one of the most common diseases during childhood and can cause other health issues. Here are some helpful guidelines: For Babies: Start as soon as possible. Before teeth even appear, a baby’s mouth should be cleaned twice a day – after first feeding and before bed. Wipe the gums with a clean washcloth to remove
Friday • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health and Wellness
Очень важно поддерживать хорошее состояние здоровья в зимний сезон. Норовирус — это характерный для зимнего периода желудочный грипп, который может вызывать тошноту, рвоту и диарею. Общепринятое название — гастроэнтерит. Этой зимой отмечается большое количество случаев заболевания норовирусом. Ниже приведены некоторые вопросы и ответы о норовирусе.
Friday • Posted by Desiree H., Fidelis Care • in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
February, recognized as Black History Month, serves as an opportunity for us to reflect and uplift one another. This month, we also recognize the strength, achievements, and contributions of individuals throughout history who paved the way for progress despite incredible adversity. Black History Month is a time of both solemn reflection and joyful celebration. It’s an opportunity to share stories and inspire this and the next generation to continue creating and making history, continue unlocking doors, and continue stepping through them. Black History Month is a time that I celebrate every day as an African American woman. I take pride in the legacy and heritage of my ancestors. My grandmother lived to be 96 years old and always shared stories about “the old days.” I appreciate the resilience, determination, and sacrifices that have created the opportunities I enjoy today, both personally and professionally. I am dedicated to honoring it not only in February but also throughout the entire year. I am fortunate and appreciative
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care
Your annual wellness visit is a yearly appointment with your primary care provider (PCP). During this visit, your PCP will go over your health, review your medications, and talk about any concerns. Regular checkups can help keep you from getting sick and find health problems early. Even if you feel healthy, go for a regular checkup.  Call your PCP to set up your annual checkup. You may be able to talk to your PCP by phone or video. Ask your PCP if they offer telehealth services and if they are right for you.  Here are some questions you might ask your PCP:  Do
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Health-Related Social Needs, In The Community, Women's Health
Fidelis Care Awards The Birthing Place Foundation with Maternal Health Grant In Recognition of Maternal Health Awareness Day Fidelis Care awarded a maternal health grant to The Birthing Place Foundation in the Bronx, NY in recognition of Maternal Health Awareness Day. The grant will support The Birthing Place Foundation’s ongoing efforts in maternal health – particularly to help underserved, lower-income women and their families. The Fidelis Care grant will support The Birthing Place’s Familia Flourish: Breastfeeding and Beyond (FFBB) program, which aims to improve mental health outcomes for postpartum parents, while providing educational and career opportunities for BIPOC birth professionals. The Birthing Place
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