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Fidelis Care выделяет 315,000 долларов на борьбу с отсутствием продовольственной безопасности в штате Нью-Йорк

Fidelis Care, план медицинского страхования на уровне штата, насчитывающий более трех миллионов участников в штате Нью-Йорк и являющийся дочерней компанией, находящейся в полной собственности Centene Corporation объявила о выделении гранта в размере 315 000 долларов США двадцати организациям, занимающимся борьбой с отсутствием продовольственной безопасности и облегчением голода по всему штату. Отсутствие продовольственной безопасности влияет на один из десять семей в Нью-Йорке.

«Fidelis Care стремится способствовать здоровью и благополучию местных сообществ. Это начинается с обеспечения доступа к питательным продуктам питания для отдельных лиц и семей», — сказал д-р Винсент Марчелло, главный медицинский директор Fidelis Care. «Мы гордимся тем, что поддерживаем эти организации и их жизненно важную работу в сообществах, которым мы служим, потому что никто не должен страдать от голода».

Некоммерческие организации, оказывающие продовольственную помощь по всему штату, получили гранты для укрепления инициатив, включая увеличение распределения продуктов питания, расширение услуг продовольственных кладовых и снижение продовольственной безопасности в сообществах.

Получателями гранта являются:  

  • Миссия Бауэри, округ Нью-Йорк
  • Ящик с благословением, округ Монро
  • Рынок и религиозный центр Брейди, округ Онондага
  • Забота о голодных и бездомных в Пикскилле, округ Вестчестер.
  • Сити Харвест, округ Нью-Йорк
  • Расширение кооператива Корнелла, округ Уэйн
  • Dream Center Нью-Йорк, округ Нью-Йорк
  • Ангелы Эрин в центре Нью-Йорка, округ Освего
  • Ассоциация семейного обслуживания компании Glens Falls Inc., округ Уоррен 
  • Кормление Вестчестера, округ Вестчестер
  • Фидмор, WNY, округ Эри
  • Продовольственный банк Нью-Йорка, округ Нью-Йорк
  • Уголок для пациентов в родном городе, округ Скенектади 
  • Айленд Харвест, округ Нассау
  • Общая кладовая Нью-Йорка, округ Нью-Йорк
  • Мемориальный медицинский центр Ниагарского водопада, округ Ниагара 
  • Pat’s Outreach Ministry Inc., округ Бронкс
  • Альянс Рима/Объединенные общественные школы, округ Онейда 
  • Продовольственная кладовая Слоатсбурга, округ Рокленд
  • UA3 Inc., округ Нью-Йорк

Расширение Cornell Cooperative округа Уэйн, некоммерческая организация, занимающаяся улучшением жизни отдельных людей и сообществ посредством совместного партнерства и планов. использовать грантовое финансирование для продвижения своей программы SNAP-Ed NY по рецептам на фрукты и овощи (FVRx), которая дополняет существующие льготы SNAP для увеличения покупательной способности человека за счет партнерских отношений с местными продуктовыми магазинами и фермерскими рынками.

«Расширение кооперативов Корнелла, округ Уэйн, благодарен Fidelis Care за поддержку программы SNAP-Ed NY по приему фруктов и овощей (FVRx)», — сказала Мэгги МакХью, региональный менеджер SNAP-Ed NY. «FVRx играет ключевую роль в предотвращении хронических заболеваний и решении проблемы отсутствия продовольственной безопасности путем пропаганды здорового питания. Мы раздали жителям Фингер-Лейкс ваучеры FVRx на тысячи долларов, что позволило им получить доступ к свежим местным фруктам и овощам. В результате многие участники программы увеличили потребление здоровой пищи и сообщили об улучшении продовольственной безопасности. Благодаря финансированию Fidelis Care мы еще больше расширим воздействие программы, выделив дополнительные ресурсы на ваучеры FVRx».

Городской урожай – это первая и крупнейшая организация по спасению продуктов питания в Нью-Йорке, оказывающая поддержку сотням продовольственных кладовых, столовым для бесплатного питания и общественным партнерам.

«Мы очень рады получить этот щедрый грант от Fidelis Care, который позволит City Harvest накормить более 19 000 нуждающихся нью-йоркских семей», — сказала Эрика Мартинес, заместитель директора City Harvest по деловому партнерству. «В настоящее время 50 процентов домохозяйств трудоспособного возраста в Нью-Йорке изо всех сил пытаются обеспечить минимальную стоимость жизни, особенно в условиях роста цен на продукты питания, увеличения расходов на жилье и после истечения срока жизненно важной государственной поддержки, которая удерживала многие семьи на плаву во время пандемии. Благодаря поддержке Fidelis Care мы будем работать вместе, чтобы накормить нуждающихся соседей – один день, один прием пищи, по одному жителю Нью-Йорка».

Помимо 20 получателей грантов на отсутствие продовольственной безопасности, Fidelis Care распределила микрогранты 50 организациям по всему штату, чтобы помочь обеспечить здоровым питанием нуждающихся жителей во время курортного сезона 2023 года.


Программа анализа — это помощь семьям, находящимся под влиянием социальных детерминант здоровья


Инновационная программа анализа SDoH, разработанная компанией Fidelis Care, была запущена два года назад. Она была задумана как инициатива по обеспечению равенства в сфере медицинского обслуживания, направленная на формирование в среде, в которой люди рождаются, живут, работают и играют, таких условий, которые положительно влияли бы на состояние их здоровья, благополучие и качество жизни. Социальные условия, определяющие состояние здоровья, могут быть связаны с широким спектром рисков и влиять на результаты лечения, особенно относительно уязвимых групп населения и районов с недостаточным уровнем обеспеченности услугами.

Этот анализ позволяет компетентным сотрудникам Fidelis Care с помощью короткой серии вопросов, касающихся таких сфер, как доступ к транспортным услугам, питанию, наличие надежного и безопасного жилья, оценить насущные потребности и проблемы человека, связанные с обеспечением социальных условий, которые определяют состояние его здоровья. На сегодняшний день в этой программе приняли участие более 450 000 участников плана Fidelis Care.

Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать больше о различных социальных детерминантах здоровья и найти доступные ресурсы.

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Cycling for a Cause: Fidelis Care Medical Director’s Volunteerism in Action
06.06.2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care in In The Community

Dr. Sarah Vogel, a Fidelis Care Medical Director since 2022, has plans in motion to benefit a worthy cause. This summer, she will participate in the Empire State Ride to End Cancer (ESR), a cycling event dedicated to impacting the future of cancer research and saving lives. All funds raised from the event support cancer research at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Sarah first learned about the event through her partner, Mark, who lost both his parents to cancer. “He has always been an avid biker, and this event was a way to combine his love of biking and his desire to end cancer,” Sarah said.

While Mark completed the full ride last year, Sarah was only able to participate for three of the seven days due to her work schedule. This July, Sarah will complete the full course. Beginning in Staten Island, participants will bike 63 to 100 miles each day and camp out each night. After a week of biking, the course concludes in Niagara Falls. Sarah says there will be a lot of time spent training and fundraising.

Sarah reflected on last year’s event. “It was amazing to see over 300 people rolling out each morning, all working together to raise money to fund cancer research,” Sarah said. “Many of the riders were cancer survivors, were currently undergoing treatment, or had family members being treated. In the evening, we would gather and listen to speakers who would share stories of why they were there, and what the research at Roswell Park had done for them.”

"When you’re biking 500 miles, you have plenty of time to think and reflect on all of the people in your life who have been affected by cancer,” Sarah said. “Some have won the battle, some have lost, and some are still fighting. Biking over 500 miles is hard, but it’s easier than what they are going through. I’m happy to do this to raise money and fund research that may bring about the next big breakthrough in cancer treatment.”

The Empire State Ride to End Cancer is just one way Sarah gives back to the community. Her broad history of volunteerism includes time at the State Police Summer Program and Double H Ranch, among others. “The New York State Police used to run a summer program at which underprivileged kids from across the state would participate in a one-week summer camp program,” Sarah explained. “The goal was to give underprivileged children from across the state an opportunity to interact with troopers in a positive setting.” A medical team would do physical exams and check the children’s vision, she said.

From 2012-2017, Sarah spent a week each summer working onsite at the Double H Ranch providing medical care to the children attending camp. “This camp provides specialized programs for children dealing with life-threatening illnesses and allows them to feel normal and just be a kid,” Sarah said. “Medical staff resides at the camp for the week, providing around the clock monitoring and treatment for every type of medical condition.”

Recently, Sarah began volunteering at the Sycamore Collaborative (formerly Schenectady Inner City Ministry), which provides a drive-through and walk-up food pantry service once a month. This is one of many volunteer events supported by Fidelis Care. “Along with other Fidelis Care volunteers, I help put together boxes of food and assist with loading boxes into cars for residents in need.”

Sarah has also volunteered as the medical director for the Ski Windham Ski Patrol since 1998. Sarah assists with yearly training and oversees medical care at the mountain. She has also served on the Regional Emergency Medicine Organization Physician Advisory Council for emergency medical services. Currently, Sarah volunteers on the board of the Bethlehem Triathlon Club, through which she helps to organize group training and to coordinate the mentorship program.

Sarah shared more about how her professional role as a doctor has impacted her volunteer efforts. "Being a doctor has allowed me to volunteer in some positions that would not otherwise be possible, like with the State Police Summer Program and Double H Ranch,” she said. “I worked in emergency medicine for 20 years, and I can’t even begin to count the number of people I had to break the terrible news that they had cancer. All those people, plus the friends and family who have had cancer, are my current motivation for doing the ESR this summer.”

“After many shifts in the emergency department, I drove home being incredibly thankful for my situation, my family, and my health,” Sarah said. “I try to never take that for granted and look for opportunities to give back when I can.”

Dr. Sarah Vogel graduated from medical school at University of Missouri – Columbia School of Medicine in 1996 and completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Albany Medical Center in 1999. She practiced Emergency Medicine in community hospitals in the Albany area for the next 16 years, and worked closely with emergency medical services as a medical director and educator. Prior to joining Fidelis Care in 2022 as a Medical Director, Dr. Vogel worked for Landmark and oversaw care for Medicare Advantage members with multiple chronic medical conditions.

Cycling for a Cause: Fidelis Care Medical Director’s Volunteerism in Action
06.06.2024 • Posted by Fidelis Care in In The Community

Dr. Sarah Vogel, a Fidelis Care Medical Director since 2022, has plans in motion to benefit a worthy cause. This summer, she will participate in the Empire State Ride to End Cancer (ESR), a cycling event dedicated to impacting the future of cancer research and saving lives. All funds raised from the event support cancer research at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Sarah first learned about the event through her partner, Mark, who lost both his parents to cancer. “He has always been an avid biker, and this event was a way to combine his love of biking and his desire to end cancer,” Sarah said.

While Mark completed the full ride last year, Sarah was only able to participate for three of the seven days due to her work schedule. This July, Sarah will complete the full course. Beginning in Staten Island, participants will bike 63 to 100 miles each day and camp out each night. After a week of biking, the course concludes in Niagara Falls. Sarah says there will be a lot of time spent training and fundraising.

Sarah reflected on last year’s event. “It was amazing to see over 300 people rolling out each morning, all working together to raise money to fund cancer research,” Sarah said. “Many of the riders were cancer survivors, were currently undergoing treatment, or had family members being treated. In the evening, we would gather and listen to speakers who would share stories of why they were there, and what the research at Roswell Park had done for them.”

"When you’re biking 500 miles, you have plenty of time to think and reflect on all of the people in your life who have been affected by cancer,” Sarah said. “Some have won the battle, some have lost, and some are still fighting. Biking over 500 miles is hard, but it’s easier than what they are going through. I’m happy to do this to raise money and fund research that may bring about the next big breakthrough in cancer treatment.”

The Empire State Ride to End Cancer is just one way Sarah gives back to the community. Her broad history of volunteerism includes time at the State Police Summer Program and Double H Ranch, among others. “The New York State Police used to run a summer program at which underprivileged kids from across the state would participate in a one-week summer camp program,” Sarah explained. “The goal was to give underprivileged children from across the state an opportunity to interact with troopers in a positive setting.” A medical team would do physical exams and check the children’s vision, she said.

From 2012-2017, Sarah spent a week each summer working onsite at the Double H Ranch providing medical care to the children attending camp. “This camp provides specialized programs for children dealing with life-threatening illnesses and allows them to feel normal and just be a kid,” Sarah said. “Medical staff resides at the camp for the week, providing around the clock monitoring and treatment for every type of medical condition.”

Recently, Sarah began volunteering at the Sycamore Collaborative (formerly Schenectady Inner City Ministry), which provides a drive-through and walk-up food pantry service once a month. This is one of many volunteer events supported by Fidelis Care. “Along with other Fidelis Care volunteers, I help put together boxes of food and assist with loading boxes into cars for residents in need.”

Sarah has also volunteered as the medical director for the Ski Windham Ski Patrol since 1998. Sarah assists with yearly training and oversees medical care at the mountain. She has also served on the Regional Emergency Medicine Organization Physician Advisory Council for emergency medical services. Currently, Sarah volunteers on the board of the Bethlehem Triathlon Club, through which she helps to organize group training and to coordinate the mentorship program.

Sarah shared more about how her professional role as a doctor has impacted her volunteer efforts. "Being a doctor has allowed me to volunteer in some positions that would not otherwise be possible, like with the State Police Summer Program and Double H Ranch,” she said. “I worked in emergency medicine for 20 years, and I can’t even begin to count the number of people I had to break the terrible news that they had cancer. All those people, plus the friends and family who have had cancer, are my current motivation for doing the ESR this summer.”

“After many shifts in the emergency department, I drove home being incredibly thankful for my situation, my family, and my health,” Sarah said. “I try to never take that for granted and look for opportunities to give back when I can.”

Dr. Sarah Vogel graduated from medical school at University of Missouri – Columbia School of Medicine in 1996 and completed her residency in Emergency Medicine at Albany Medical Center in 1999. She practiced Emergency Medicine in community hospitals in the Albany area for the next 16 years, and worked closely with emergency medical services as a medical director and educator. Prior to joining Fidelis Care in 2022 as a Medical Director, Dr. Vogel worked for Landmark and oversaw care for Medicare Advantage members with multiple chronic medical conditions.