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Fidelis Care’s 2024 Wellness 360 Webinar Series
26.08.2024 • Posted by Provider Relations

Fidelis Care launched our Wellness 360 for Health Homes Webinar Series in 2023 as an effort to provide our Health Homes and their networks with information and resources to continue providing the highest quality of care for our membership.

We are excited to announce that the webinar series will return starting Wednesday October 9th, 2024, at 10AM! The first topic will be 'Maternal Health and Care Management'.  See below for additional topics and all registration links. Every effort will be made to get the prepared slides out to registrants ahead of the webinar. However, the webinar will be recorded, and the slides will always be shared within 24 hours.

Training Events:

Topic: Maternal Health and Care Management

Date:  October 9, 2024

Time:  10:00AM – 11:00AM, ET

Registration Link:   https://centene.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2ty5C4GnT9iAf8UskSR5wQ


Topic:  Tobacco Cessation

Date:  October 23, 2024

Time:  10:00AM – 11:00AM, ET

Registration Link: https://centene.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RGKtNxJgTKiHa_FMMJMbxA


Topic: Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health

Date:  October 30, 2024

Time:  10:00AM – 11:00AM, ET

Registration Link:   https://centene.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0GQh-nLkTFiHsUufTzMehg


Fidelis Care encourages Health Home care managers to attend this webinar that will support care collaboration for mutual members and improved health outcomes.


Questions? Comments? Need help?

Send an email to SMHealthHomeInquiry@fideliscare.org.

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