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Today • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Children's Health, Health and Wellness
National Poison Prevention Week is March 16-22, 2025. The annual observance reminds us to keep children safe from poisons. Kids are curious and like to explore their home. Each year, thousands of kids go to the emergency room after ingesting harmful substances, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  These range from medications to cleaning products to batteries. Parents can take some easy steps to avoid accidental poisonings around the home. Common Hazards in the Home Medications: Medications and vitamins can be mistaken for candy. They are dangerous in large doses. Household cleaners: Bleach, detergents, and disinfectants often have bright colors.
Yesterday • Posted by Stacey Roberts, LCSW, Greater Mental Health of New York CEO • in In The Community
  March is Social Work Month, a time to reflect on the invaluable contributions that social workers make to individuals and communities. At Greater Mental Health of New York*, we believe that everyone deserves greater mental health – and our team of passionate and dedicated social workers helps make this possible every day. Our approach to mental health promotes integrated care and addresses health-related social needs. We accomplish this through a wide array of person-centered services and supports. What does this mean for the individuals and families engaged in our services? We help people who are seeking hope and healing, people who
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care • in Caregiver Support, Health and Wellness
Хороший сон — часть здорового образа жизни. Но известно ли вам, что существует тесная связь между сном и эмоциональным благополучием? Научно-исследовательские учреждения, такие как Всемирная организация здравоохранения, Центры по контролю и профилактике заболеваний и Национальные институты здравоохранения, сходятся во мнении, что сон и психическое здоровье тесно связаны. Ниже приведены некоторые часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы о сне.
Last Week • Posted by Fidelis Care • in In The Community
During Women’s History Month, Fidelis Care is pleased to recognize our 2025 Women of Impact who serve their communities. We salute these providers and community partners who make a difference every day.   Chavon Bunch Executive Director, Southside Community Center Chavon Bunch leads Southside Community Center, which works to affirm, empower, and foster the development of self-pride among African American citizens of greater Ithaca. Programming at Southside Community Center includes youth and educational services, a food pantry, pet care clinics, bicycle services, performing arts, and culturally significant events and celebrations that honor the historic, present, and future lives of Black people. Chavon has worked
Last Week • Posted by M. Bridget C., Fidelis Care • in In The Community
  Social work is a calling for me, rather than a job. During this Social Work Month, I take great pride in discussing a career path that has helped so many others. I have been a medical social worker for over 35 years, the last eight here at Fidelis Care. I currently support the medically fragile children’s team. I also get tremendous satisfaction from researching and presenting my findings on various social work topics to my peers. I knew that I wanted to be a social worker when I was 9 years old and watched a movie about a child with autism.
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